Digit Mania


Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. What is Digit Mania?
    1. What is it?
    2. Who runs Digit Mania?
    3. Who pays for Digit Mania?
    4. Are the digit sets free?
    5. How do I contribute to the collection?
  2. How do I install a counter?
    1. How do I pick a counter?
    2. What is a hosted counter?
    3. What is an HTTP server?

What is Digit Mania?

What is it?

Who runs Digit Mania?

Who pays for Digit Mania?

Are the digit sets free?

How do I contribute to the collection?

How do I install a counter?

How do I pick a counter?

What is a hosted counter?

What is an HTTP server?

[home - contents - FAQ - software]

Last modified: 17:36 - Pacific Standard Time - 21 Dec 97